West Sussex Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing

Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels - West Sussex

Our expert pigeon proofing solar panels team are operating throughout West Sussex. We’ve helped thousands of homes throughout the country to permanently stop pigeons from nesting under their solar panels.

Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels in Reading

We are able to remove and move on the pigeons, clean up under your solar panels, and install secure solar panel pigeon protection that will last long term. We provide our services across West Sussex and surrounding areas.

Installing more solar panels will surely contribute to reducing the impact on the environment carbon footprint, but this will also increase the problem with pigeons nesting under solar panels.

Birds, specifically pigeons are attracted to your solar panels due to the space that exists under your solar panels making it safe and ideal for nesting. Beside the noise that these pests make, the debris and mess can be a health hazard not to mention the potential damage pigeons can cause to the panels. Our professional solar panel pigeon proofing is the most effective solution to keep them out once and for good.

Pigeon Proofing Installation in West Sussex

pigeon proofing Solar panels service that will get rid of pigeons from your Panel once and for all.

Our team will nicely and humanely remove pests when bird proofing solar panels, We do not kill the bird or birds nore we use any bird spikes could hurt returning birds.

Why Choose Pigeon Solar Solution?

Our solar panel pest solutions act as an animal deterrent to safeguard your solar investment, offering you peace of mind.

  • Expertly cut to fit and installed by our professional, qualified and experienced team
  • 100% protection Guaranteed from not only Pigeons but all bird species.
  • No roof or module/solar panel drilling penetration necessary
  • Long lasting and non-corrosive solution
  • Aesthetically clean, modern, unobtrusive proofing barriers

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I use a Pigeon Solar Solution company over a other same service providers?

With PSS you get a team that is both trained in solar panels and also in pest control and qualified to work on your roof. You get a professional service that is guaranteed should pigeons, bird pests or small animals re-enter under your panels.

2. Will pigeons persist on my property once the work is complete?

This is included as part of our proofing service, we will clean the area under your panels as well as applying biocide in order to get rid of any bird mites and also to break down hardened pigeon guano that may be stuck on your solar panels

3. Will solar panels be cleaned when the bird proofing work commences?

This is included as part of our proofing service, we will clean the area under your panels as well as applying biocide in order to get rid of any bird mites and also to break down hardened pigeon guano that may be stuck on your solar panels

4. How much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels?

There are a number of factors that will determine how much you pay to pigeon proof your solar panels. Accessibility to your panels is crucial and this is where the cost can increase, whether the technicians use a ladder, or require setting up scaffolding. However the cost for removing pigeon from underneath your panels and installing mesh netting is pretty standard.

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